
Showing posts from February 13, 2019

Malay Roychoudhury's poems - Translated by Uttaran Das Gupta

  Poems of Malay Roychoudhury translated by Uttaran Das Gupta Rebellion is in the air again. From the streets of Cairo to the boulevards of Boston, and closer home in Bangladesh, young men and women are willing to pay with their lives to stop the onward march of Moloch, representing all kinds of regressive forces that do not want the status quo to be challenged, who insist on giving us laughter in lieu of happiness, and whose sole aim is to strangle and starve to death all that is holy, and flows and lives.  A decade like this occurred before in history half-a-century ago and it tied the Indian and American literary traditions even more strongly than before. It is known that Transcendentalism was influenced by Hindu scriptures like the Gita. Allen Ginsberg, a leader of the Beat movement which created a space for an alternative political and social order in America, also looked to Indi